Primex Recycling Operation
Since 1965 Primex has made plastics recycling a major focus of its business. With advancing technology and commitment to sustainability, Primex has been able to consolidate and modernize the entire process of collecting scrap from their plants and getting current customers onboard the program. New standard procedures for processing scrap and turning it into quality sheet products not only save money but keep material out of the waste stream.

Primex operates a facility in Richmond, IN dedicated specifically to plastic recycling for the company. Utilizing large grinder and shredder systems, Primex Recycling Operations is able to produce over 40,000,000 pounds of recycled material used to supplement approximately 100,000,000 pounds of recycled plastic for Primex annually.
Additional equipment including blenders, pelletizers and FTIR equipment support the company’s goal of maximizing recycling programs throughout the organization. The process involves cleaning, grinding, blending, and pelletizing large plastic parts.
With a broad presence in the industry, Primex recognizes the growing need of recycling products as part of Primex’s sustainability focus “Primex sustainability, a better tomorrow starting today”.

Recycled Polymers
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace
A Better Tomorrow, Starting Today.
- A leader in ReCycle custom sheet extrusion
- Over 100 million pounds of recycled plastics annually
- Approximately 375,000 sq. ft. of recycling across the United States at five locations and 1 facility in the United Kingdom
- Supporting labs and testing equipment located at every location including an A2LA accredited lab at corporate headquarters
- Customizable recycling processes meeting the needs of each location
- Capable of recycling every polymer of core sheet products

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